Friday, February 15, 2013

Angela and Prayer

After her chapter on fasting Angela turns to the second Lenten practice: Prayer. She says the two go together, and gives the example of Anna, who in the Temple, served God night and day in prayer and fasting. Angela advocates a balance prayer life of both vocal and mental prayer. The sample prayer she writes in the Rule gives us an insight into the depth and breadth of her prayer life. She starts by expressing her own need for forgiveness and moves on to praying for her family and finally for the whole world.

"Deign, O most loving Lord, to forgive me my so many offences...deign also to forgive the sins, alas, of my father and mother, and of my relatives and friends, and of the whole world. I implore this of you by your most sacred Passion and your precious Blood shed for love of us, and by your holy Name, be it blessed above the sands of the seas, above the drops of the waters, above the multitude of the stars." 

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