Sunday, November 25, 2012

Foundation Day

Four hundred and seventy seven years ago today Angela Merici and twenty eight companions met for Mass in the church of St Afra in Brescia and then gave over their lives to Jesus by signing their names in a book. Thus was born the Company of St Ursula.

Today, daughters of St Angela are found in every continent of the world and number several thousands. From a small mustard seed, as Jesus tells us, can grow a vast tree.

We give thanks to God who has so blest Angela's YES to him.

Foundation of the Company of St Ursula
by an unknown artist

Notice the centrality of  the Holy Spirit. Angela  tells us in her Rule:

"above all...obey the counsels and inspirations which the Holy Spirit 
unceasingly sends into our hearts."

For information about the Company of St Ursula in Lancaster click  here