Company St Ursula

In Lancaster there is a small group of members of the Company of St Ursula.                        
Two members of the Company on the day of consecration
with Parish Priest and Sr Maureen OSU

The Company of St Ursula was founded by St Angela Merici in Brescia, North Italy on 25th November 1535.  

 It grew out of a spiritual experience known as the “Vision of Brudazzo”, in which Angela saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven on which women and angels ascended and descended.
Vision of Brudazzo
Angela came to understand that she was to live and guide others to live, at a radical level, the union, symbolised in this vision, between the divine and human.

Since its foundation the Company has spread round the world. Today secular Ursulines are organised in many diocesan Companies. Most of these are united in a federation which was recognised as one Secular Institute of Pontifical Right on May 25th 1958.

There are common Constitutions based on the writings of St Angela with suitable local adaptations. Angela’s Rule provided a way of life for women who wished to consecrate themselves totally to God by living the Evangelical Councils of perpetual celibacy, poverty and obedience in the world.

This was a daring innovation at a time when society expected a woman to marry or enter a convent. Angela believed women could live a consecrated life as a lay person. She, herself, had been doing so for many years.

Today, a single woman seeking admission to the Company is given a two year period of formation leading to temporary commitment for two and then a further three years. At the conclusion of these five years, vows are made for life.

An Ursuline is called to live the mystery of
Christ as spouse of the Church.
Her commitment to perpetual celibacy is a response
in love to Christ who first loved her.
Such a vocation needs to be sustained by
a deep life of prayer.

Secular Ursulines live this call in the world in whatever happens to be their personal circumstances and are financially responsible for themselves.

However, they are not alone but make their commitment in companionship with other members of the Company with whom they meet regularly for prayer and mutual encouragement.
Rejoice together and together encourage one another St Angela, 8th Legacy
Finally, Ursulines, like Angela, are part of the local Church and its mission. Their spirituality is ecclesial, nourished by the Mass, sacraments and Divine Office. Their motivation, as bequeathed by Angela, is to do everything for the glory of God and the good of souls.

For further information email
Secular Institute of St Angela Merici Federation  website