In her writings Angela encourages us to "rejoice together" and we did just that yesterday afternoon when the Wimbledon Community hosted a celebration for the two Golden Jubilarians, Sisters Frances Oakley and Zela Procter.All the Province were invited.
The afternoon started with a buffet lunch and concluded with Evening Prayer I for the feast of the Holy Trinity. Angela's spirituality is very Trinitarian, she begins and ends her writings with invoking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The mutual love within the Trinity was to be the model of the love lived by the members of the Company of St Ursula.
This love we experienced in our celebration together and as we sang with joy as our opening hymn some of her words:-
"I am here in your midst with Jesus,
my love and yours,
lending aid to your prayers.
I am more alive than when I was on earth;
I can help you more and hold you dearer.
Act, bestir yourselves,
make efforts, cry to him;
you will certainly see wonders.
Raise your hearts on high;
don't rest in things of earth.
Jesus is your only treasure.
Live in harmony,
be bound by bonds of love;
Sign of Jesus'favour; lead a new life.
Sr Zela and Sr Frances