Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rejoice Jesus is Risen

In today's second reading Paul tells us
" Since you have been brought back to true life with Christ, you must look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is , sitting at God's right hand."
Angela quotes this passage in her Fifth Counsel, a counsel which is full of guidance and encouragement. Interestingly the reference to the passage from Colossians follows on her invitation:-
"Let them have
for their only treasure,
for there also will be

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Waiting: Holy Saturday

There is a message in Holy Saturday which is sometimes missed.
not knowing what the future holds, can be painful, especially at a time of grief.
At the same time it is an opportunity to grow in trust,
 Angela knew deep sorrow early in life with the death of her parents and much loved sister. She waited; indeed she waited a very long time, before God's plans for her unfolded in the birth of the Company of St Ursula.
Angela's waiting in love enabled her to be a fountain  of God's love for others. Today, that fountain  of love continues to flow  all round the world through her daughters in every continent.
As we wait in trusting silence on Holy Saturday may we, in turn, be fountains of love for others.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Silence of Jesus

The Passion narrative, at one level, depicts a scene of shouting and bustle, yet Jesus hardly speaks. Indeed, at times he is totally silent as before Herod.Let us ponder the mystery that lies at the heart of this silence; let us be silent with Jesus. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Prayer of Jesus in the Passion

Today, after the Mass of the Lord's Supper we are invited  by Jesus
"Stay here and watch with me."
This time with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is an opportunity to enter more  deeply into Jesus' intimacy with the Father; a privileged time of silent union and communion at the heart of the Trinity. May He not find us asleep. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

St Angela and the Passion

Tomorrow we hear the reading of the Passion at Mass. Angela constantly sought to enter ever more deeply into the Passion of Jesus. There she found the supreme expression of God's love for her. In turn, it is in the  Blood of Christ that Angela would have her daughters united in mutual love and concern. 

 Icon at Grezze of Angela at the foot of the Cross

"Take refuge at the feet of Jesus Christ"
St Angela, 7th Counsel

Sunday, March 10, 2013


"Growth comes through the decisions we make, the challenges we face, the people we meet, the risks we take, the setbacks we experience, the opportunities we take.How we grow depends on how we receive  what comes to us" 
Sr Stanislaus Kennedy

May God give you many opportunities today to experience his love, the love we read about in today's parable of the Prodigal son.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Generation Benedict

It is inspiring to read the witness of young people to the influence which Benedict XVI had on them.You too may find it interesting if you look at generationbenedict blog 
Benedict XVI

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Discernment Weekend

Lent is a time of prayer and reflection.  Sometimes we need help in listening to what the Lord is saying.  If you are interested in an opportunity to come and find out more about whether the Lord is calling you to follow him as an Ursuline please contact me for further information.  

For a pdf copy of the poster about the discernment weekend  for your parish to encourage single women between 20 and 40 years to attend the discernment weekend.